Monday, June 10, 2013

Pretty Pink Chic with Chanel and Christian

Pretty Pink Chic with Chanel and Christian

The Coral and Black Blues

Garfitti Anyone?

Grafitti Artwork has become  my favoite type of Sideshow attractions.

I Love grafitti because of Inconsistant lines, Color Choices and over all Freedom of Expression and style through a Brick Walled Canvas,Wooden Plank and Intellectual Murals. Grafitti can be capureted Mostley in Urban areas or Artistic Hipster/Quirky areas. My Favorite grafitti pieces are the one frond in random places. I believe thats what creates the whole artistic Expierence for me.

Keith Harring - Pisas Mural 1989

Jean Michelle' Basquiat- SAMO:Confused Life 1980s